Hello, my name is Jan and I’m a writer. There, I said it. I wanted it and I did it. I’m a native of Nova Scotia, Canada: originally from the Eastern Shore, then Halifax, now living inland on the shore of a little lake in Lunenburg County. My working career was multi-faceted: CBC radio freelancer; executive director of the Nova Scotia Choral Federation and (decades later) of the Maritime Conservatory of Performing Arts; skipper of sailing tours on my own gaff-rigged ketch; and employee benefits executive and broker, among many other ventures and adventures. Who is Jan Fancy Hull? Fancy was my late mother’s maiden name, and I’ve added it to my nom de plume to honour her. It was my lifelong dream to be a writer. So, I wrote, submitting to literary journals, competitions, and publishers, and attending writing workshops. I spent years editing my poetry, short stories, novellas, and novels. In 2020, Moose House Publications published my first book, and they have been busy wrapping years' worth of it between covers ever since! ===== I've also spent a couple creative decades covered in stone dust as a sculptor. Stones seem to be heavier now, so I've switched to clay. See what I have made and am making here.